You are here: 51. Introduction to Distribution Training Manual > 51.8. Printing Debtor Labels > 51.8.1. Creating a Debtor Label Batch

Printing Debtor Labels

You must create a new debtor label batch manually. A label batch can contain labels for one or multiple debtors.

Creating a Debtor Label Batch

To create a new debtor label batch:


Micronet displays the Create Labels - Debtor screen.

  1. Enter a Description of the new label batch then press Tab or Enter.

Micronet displays the Create Label Batch screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Micronet displays the batch description you entered on the Create Labels - Debtor screen.


Processing Order

Select the order in which you want the labels printed:

  • Debtor Order
  • Sales Territory Order
  • Salesman Order
  • Class Order
  • Debtors Run Number.


Starting / Ending Debtor

Enter the debtor numbers of the first and last debtors you want to include in the label batch.



Technical Tip

If you want to add debtors manually, leave the Starting Debtor and Ending Debtor fields blank.



Printing Options

Select the print format for the labels:

  • Monarch Only - Qty in Format – select this option for Monarch printers
  • Default – select this option for any other make of printer. Micronet allows you to select the print format when you print the labels.

The standard selection in this field is “Default”.



Enter the number of labels you want printed for each debtor in the label batch.

  1. When you have entered the batch header details:

Micronet compiles a list of debtors and the number of labels to be printed for each debtor.

Micronet redisplays the Create Labels - Debtor screen showing all the debtors in the batch along with the number of labels to be printed. The Total Labels field displays the total number of labels in the batch.

  1. Optionally, you can add, edit or delete the debtors in the label batch.

Micronet displays the Enter Label screen.

  1. In the Number of Labels field, amend the quantity displayed.

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet redisplays the Create Labels - Debtor screen.

You can now print, save or delete the label batch.

  1. To print the label batch, select FILE | PRINT.

Micronet displays the Labels Per Page screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Labels Per Page

Enter the number of labels you want printed on each page.



Select how you want the labels printed:

  • Print All Labels –­ print all labels even if they don’t take up a full page
  • Print Full Pages –­ only print full pages of labels; hold any remainders until the next print.



Technical Tip

If printing to a Monarch printer, simply select Accept on this screen.

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet displays the Select Report screen with a list of label layout options created in the Report Generator.

  1. Select a format for the labels then select Ok.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.


Technical Tip

If you selected Default in the Printing Options field on the Create Label Batch screen, Micronet displays the Select Printer screen.

  1. Select the printer to print to then select Accept.

Micronet displays a message asking if you have finished printing these labels.



If you want to print the label batch again, you must select No. Micronet redisplays the Create Labels - Debtor screen showing the batch details. Make sure you save your changes before exiting.

If you select Yes, Micronet deletes the label batch and redisplays the Create Labels - Debtor screen with the batch removed.